Just as Nature Unapologetically Exists, BXB LOVE Encourages Us Humans to Exist Entirely As We Are, In New "LOSERS" Music Video




WITH THEIR LATEST MUSIC VIDEO “LOSERS” - BXB LOVE encapsulates the beauty of being a “loser” in this human experience. Full of life and color, this anthem is more than just a shout out to those that feel like outsiders to the world. It is a congratulations! to the ones that have found their way back to unconditional love for exactly who they are, despite being brought up in a world that has many opinions of how and who we are to be. BXB LOVE writes, “If someone isn’t ready to accept the you that makes your heart sing, then why would you want them around?” Their passion and intention to be authentically themself shines throughout the video. Including elements of life that will make you want to go out to the middle of the street and dance like no one's watching! 

Pushing the boundaries of our constructed reality, BXB LOVE confirms the privilege we all have as beings, to shift our fear led beliefs. To reverse the irrelevant thoughts of others and the external world, and become absolutely free from the unwritten limits of the life experience.LOVE wants us to realize that, while we exist in a shared space, we live in the realities that we create for ourselves, by believing in who we are, can be, and what we can do. 

With a new mixtape out, released early December, and more music racing behind, BXB LOVE shows fans and new listeners just what to expect from them in the future. Hailing just about two years after the song was written, read more about the fascinating and spiritual mind of BXB LOVE, and on the story behind the long-awaited music video for “Losers!”

LUNA: Hello and congrats on the release of consistently inconsistent!! It’s about to be two months already! Are you still on that new release high?

LOVE: Hi! and THANK YOU <3. It has been so beautiful watching the project make its way out into the world, and seeing how it's resonating in different spaces. My heart is so full. Being able to make this music with people I love and respect so much, about things that are really near and dear to me, then having the opportunity to share that music with the world, and experiencing the love, support, and community it garnered is so special. It means the world to me to be able to be a part of peoples’ moments. to be added to their playlists, to be a part of the vibes, moods, and experiences they are cultivating in their lives. To receive messages about how the music has impacted, helped, uplifted, empowered the people it's found its way to. The space it has created for folks to feel empowered in the lives they are living. I am just honestly at a loss for words.

LUNA: You finished this song back before the pandemic started, how does it feel to finally have this Music Video out!?

LOVE: It feels truly✨divine✨. This music video has been sitting on my hard drive since the summer of 2021, so I am very very excited to be sharing it now. The anticipation!!

LUNA: What was the creative process like? Was this the visual you had in mind the whole time?

LOVE: The visual ended up being as close to my initial vision as was manageable within the boundaries, time constraints, energetic capacities the team and I had at the time. We had a little faux pas with the camera on day 1 (of 2), and so we lost 1/2 of our first day. This meant we had to pivot on the concept and planned characters a little bit, but it led us to some really magical moments, and what ended up being some of my favorite shots.

Sometimes things don’t go exactly as planned, but when you approach life with an open palm, and open mind, it is incredible what you can accomplish. I would say we made the most out of what could have been a really unfortunate and stressful situation.

LUNA: “LOSERS” such an anthem song, to anyone who is more than okay with being utterly themselves, and in your video you have a lot of different looks, almost as if you are playing different characters. Was that something that was intentional?

LOVE: Ya! It was actually. We had initially intended to include more characters, but were bound by some time restraints and didn’t manage to capture all that we originally hoped.

The idea was to portray some of the different identities that I contain…that we all contain. I am not one thing. I am a multitude of things that I choose to express and share in different ways at different times. On my personal journey, I've been learning to recognize and embrace all of those facets, regardless of what I've been taught to believe about them throughout my experience of life.

No matter who or what you believe you are, there will be people out there that think it is lame, and that’s okay. I used to really judge myself by what I believed other people thought of me. but the opinions and projections others have of me are not really any of my business. Now, my only requirement for myself is to live and move from a love-centered place — cultivating that love for myself and my fellow humans. creating my life and sharing myself from that intention, without shame or fear of how it may be received.

LUNA: You can experience the freedom and power the song holds throughout the video. It is full of color and the feeling of being carefree. Is this in any way a portrayal of yourself personally?

LOVE: My intention with the first phase of this project was to cultivate an experience of play, curiosity, introspection, and nostalgia. To invoke the inner child that I rejected at much too young an age, and invite it to participate in my adult life. to see my life through its eyes, in a sense. I believe that the future that includes, embraces, and empowers us all will be created by adults who see the world through child-like eyes. Bias free. Full of love and wonder. So I wanted to create a space that invites everyone to tap into that energy and cultivate it within their daily lives.

LUNA: Can we talk about the mannequins! I love them! Are they representing something in particular, or is it up to fans to draw their own interpretation?

LOVE: The mannequins are glorious! We really lucked out with those. They just happened to be on the plot of land of the accommodation that we booked for the shoot. I would love for viewers to draw their own interpretations, because I think it's important for us to practice communicating with our own intuition and inner knowledge. What something means to you, in your life, through the lens of your experience and understanding of the world is just as, if not more, important than what I (or anyone) tells you something means. We are not living your life, we can only tell you what it means for/to us, and then it is up to you to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t integrate that in with your own perspective and experience.

For me, the mannequins represent all the external reflections I've received throughout my life that made me feel like a loser. the projections that defined cool as something outside of what I understood myself to be. That taught me that the way I am, the things I enjoy, the choices I make are lame, uncool, cringe-y etc. They are the shadows of those past experiences that bound me into the facade of Self that I had created and perpetuated, out of the fear that being myself would lead to me encountering more experiences that validated the beliefs those initial experiences had created and solidified — not me not realizing that I was perpetually creating exactly what I feared.

By living from a space of “untruth,” showing up in a way I thought would be palatable and fit within the boxes of cool that I had learnt, I was telling myself that who I wanted to be, was lame, and projecting onto myself the exact experiences I was trying to avoid in the external world. Funny how we do that to ourselves. We stress about something maybe happening in the future that will make us feel bad, making ourselves feel that future bad feeling in the present moment in the process.

LUNA: Your Artistic expression really shines in this video, just as much as the song on its own. You’ve said that you wanted to “depict the cycle of feeling trapped in the warped reality that manifests from your own judgments of yourself.” Does that have anything to do with the “Your mind makes it real”? at the end?

LOVE: For me, the “your mind makes it real?” at the end really just means, whatever you believe, will be true for you. will become your lived, experienced reality. nothing is objectively true. your reality is real because you believe it to be absolute truth. If you believe you are lame, you will move through the world making choices that validate that belief. because your belief in your lameness causes you to think like a “lame person,” to make choices that perpetuate what you believe is lameness.

No amount of external validation or affirmations you’re actually cool can convince you you’re not lame. It will only signal to your mind that you are a lame person performing coolness successfully. Nothing but you choosing to shift your belief about yourself, and making choices from that shifted belief, will create a new reality for you. If you believe you’re cool, you will make choices that perpetuate what you believe coolness is.

LUNA: Does this song mean anything more than it did when you first wrote it?

LOVE: The music and creations I'm a part of making tend to evolve and shift as I evolve and shift. New layers of understanding are added, old ideas are let go of. If art is a portal into our inner worlds — as I currently understand it to be — then what we see in those inner worlds, through the art, will change as we do. Right now, the initial meaning of Losers is solidifying, as the ideas explored within it are being further integrated and becoming more embodied within me and my life.

LUNA: Since first writing this song, do you think you have grown as an artist, or have grown into the artist that you wish to be?

LOVE: Definitely! My journey, both in my personal and creative/artistic life, over the past 2 years has shown me that, who I am, who I have always really been but didn’t always show myself to be, is exactly who I’ve always wished to be. The artist that I am reflects the person that I am — which I am only able to become because I already believe myself to be them. My belief in me as them leads me to making choices that they would make, creating the life my “wish” self would have. making me the version of me I wish to be, which ended up being the version of me i suppressed for fear of that version being rejected by the world — instead being rejected by me.

So I am grateful to be able to say that the artist that I am, is the artist that I wish to be. I get to show up to each opportunity already being who I wish to be. This means I am not relying on the external world to validate my being or becoming whatever I wish. This also leaves space for me to play with the endless possibilities and outcomes that exist, because I'm not clinging to some fictional future versions of myself. I am not turning to the things that show up in my external world to validate me, because I already truly believe myself internally.

LUNA: The song is a definitive meaning of how okay it is to not “fit in”, the video makes you feel that on an elevated level, turning that term “loser” from a negative to a positive.

LOVE: For sure. My intention was to take this word, that even in itself is pretty lame — no one really says loser seriously anymore — and turn it into a term of endearment. like “what’s wrong with being a loser?” if someone isn’t ready to accept that you that makes your heart sing, then why would you want them around? you can take someone judging you as a negative thing, because you believe that their opinion of you is more important than your own — which is something we’ve been taught in our collective society.. that the projections of the external world are what creates our value and worth as beings.

Again, things are only what we believe that are. Negativity exists because we believe in it as a truth. and the same goes for positive. We create narratives and stories around everything in our world, based in this construct of binaries. One or the other. The gag is that there is no one or the other. both have to exist for either to be true. For something to be positive, something else must be negative. Otherwise, everything would just be. Period. This means that they are of the same thing, created from the same cloth. The cloth itself is the experiences, emotions, you engage with and perceive. the sides of the cloth are the narratives you choose to identify with and make real for yourself. They are the meanings we give our experiences to validate our beliefs about ourselves and the world. Because that is comfortable for us. even when those beliefs are completely oppressive and disempowering.

If you look to nature, there is no positive or negative. Nature doesn’t judge itself or its actions. it simply is. it exists and experiences its existence without bias. things are born, they bloom, blossom, grow, eat, shit, sleep, procreate, get sick, die, rot. and the cycle continues. nowhere in that process does nature experience judgment for itself. A lion doesn’t feel bad for hunting. It is also not hunting from a place of fear, shame, guilt, or hate. It is not hunting to be malicious. It is hunting because that’s a part of its role in the circle of life. nature does exactly what it is here to do without creating stories about its role. It just IS.

We, as humans, have the gift of consciousness, which allows us to create stories and believe them. we can make shit up, and convince ourselves it's real. which is incredible! I believe…it's a beautiful thing — meaning I’ve created a story around consciousness that makes me perceive consciousness as beautiful, someone else may have a narrative that paints consciousness as a horrible curse. That's the thing about consciousness...

LUNA: Just releasing your first singles this last year, and now a mixtape, new listeners get a fantastic look into your sound and style, who would you consider to be your main influences?

LOVE: I'm happy to say that my sound, style, and presentation will be something that evolves with me. One of the points of this creative identity of BXB LOVE was to create a boundless space in which I could play and create.

My main influences are the experiences, emotions, and worlds that I perceive and engage within my daily life. The music and art are first and foremost influenced by whatever it is I am intending to portray, evoke, cultivate through the art. creative decisions are made in alignment with what we believe will communicate those things to the folks on the receiving end.

I grew to learn that it was kind of silly for me to turn to the art of those I admire, and the sonic and poetic languages they’ve created for themselves, to translate their experiences, emotions, etc in order to then create my own language about my versions of those things. Why not go straight to the source? The things that we are trying to interpret with our own little languages.

LUNA: Your mixtape speaks as sort of a diary of thoughts, and realizations. Do you usually come from a more personal angle purposely, or does it come naturally?

LOVE: If I wasn’t talking about things through the lens of my perspective and experience, I wouldn’t know what to talk about or how to talk about it, to be honest.

LUNA: What is next for BXB LOVE, any plans on touring? What should we be looking out for?

LOVE: Yessss I most definitely want to tour! Playing live is one of my favorite experiences. Things haven’t quite fallen into place for that to happen just yet, but I know they will and am doing my part to allow for that.

Right now our main focuses are working on a new batch of music and exploring web3. I am interested in getting involved on the ground floor of web3 and NFTs so I can be a part of figuring out how to ensure we are creating something that is really empowering for everyone and doesn’t become a new iteration of what we’ve already had and experienced in the tech space. If I'm not involved, then I have no say in where things go, yet will still be responsible for whatever is created — because what is created will affect all of us regardless of if we want it to or not.