Q&A: Xkylar


Photos By Nikoli Partiyeli + Anastasia Velicescu

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HONESTY AND SINCERITY - It's what the people want, and it's what Xkylar is giving them. Young but wise, the artist has built an identity around being her most genuine self and using her music as a coping mechanism for, essentially, everything. 

Xkylar just released her debut EP, Emotional, but this doesn't mean she'll be slowing down anytime soon. Given her nature to write as a diary of sorts, Xkylar already has lyrics for days, and is excited to see where they will take her. Read on to hear her thoughts on her new EP, finding her sound and more. 

 LUNA: What lead to up to you pursuing music as a full-time career rather than a hobby?

XKYLAR: It's kinda funny actually. I have been singing and obsessed with music since I before I can remember and I even started writing songs at 12. I went to college thinking I couldn't actually create a future in it. I enrolled at University of Southern California as a pre-med and honestly, music was never something I could shy away from. I found myself going to concerts all the time and I would steal my roommates key to practice rooms in Thornton to stay up all night to write songs and play the piano. 

Going to college and being confronted with all new social pressures and academic anxiety was really overwhelming, the only way I've ever known how to cope with change is through writing. My friend told me to take a songwriting class and that changed my life. I started meeting other people that felt the same way I do and started getting positive feedback which helped. My junior year most of my friends and boyfriend went abroad as I stayed behind. Having had to finish up my Pre-med requirements, I  decided to take a guitar andBeatles class. I spent every day of that semester playing guitar and writing songs, literally. It was the best semester of my life.

 I realized that all I need in life is music to make me happy and thought that ultimately the best way I could help others was through sharing my personal struggles. The one moment that changed everything was going to a J. Cole concert with my best friend (which is kinda random but he is amazing), I remember feeling this overwhelming positive energy and thinking THAT is what I am meant to do. I walked back from to my apartment with her and told her that, anything that stands in the way of it I need to let go of. I realized music is the best relationship I have, every day I get more and more obsessed with it, I don't think I could stop if I tried.

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LUNA: You recently released your debut EP Emotional  - congrats! what was the creative process like for that? How does it feel having that finally out?

 XKYLAR: Thanks! Yeah - it's kinda nuts low key. I realized about a year ago that I could produce myself and it was the most liberating thing creatively, and mentally not having to rely on other people to harness my artistic vision. I spent about a year writing a song/beat a day - pretty much just trying to get better. One day, in November (literally 2 months ago) my friend showed me "Loving Is Easy" by Rex Orange County and from that moment everything clicked.  I wrote the song "Emotional" and realized this lofi-indie pop style was what I was making this whole time. I went on a trip and wrote down the songs I have and decided to make a series of EPs, with the first one being based in this style, simple yet honest love songs. 

 I love the freedom that this genre allows, I decided I wanted to do the production and mixing myself (Jynjo did make one song "Soulmate") but it's cool that it doesn't need to be perfect. I'm just trying to keep growing and I felt like setting a date of January 30th and forcing myself to finish was what I needed to do for myself. It's crazy how it all came together. I literally wrote "4ever" the last week of December and finished the mastering the Wednesday before the release (I'm stoked distribution pulled through for me). It feels like a piece of me, not overthought, honest and fresh. It's cool that the songs don't feel like distant memories, I'm still struggling with these emotions and I'm scared but also very proud of myself and excited that I can share that with people. 

LUNA: Was there a common theme you were drawn to when creating Emotional? Any artists you feel like you referenced? 

XKYLAR: The whole EP is about questioning love and experiencing overwhelming emotion. They are all songs I wrote under a couple of hours in the past three months, just pure streams of consciousness and feelings. There is a story to be told in the music about how sometimes we seek love for selfish reasons, a desire to be appreciated or not feel alone. In the end, all we can do is accept the way we feel, about others and ourselves. It's easy to get emotionally hurt if things don't work out, but if the love is selfless, then it comes from a place of wanting the best for someone else. Let yourself experience that love. 

Tom Misch, Rex Orange County, Clairo and Toro y Moi were definitely my biggest inspirations for this project. I love the liberty they have in making the music themselves and sharing a unique perspective, I wanted to do the same. 

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LUNA: What do you want people to take away from this EP? 

XKYLAR: That it's ok to feel. 

LUNA: Do you have any words of wisdom for young girls wanting to go into the music industry?

XKYLAR: FUCK WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU TO BE. Sorry if that came off as aggressive, but I've had so many people constantly telling me I can't do things, I have to look a certain way or make a certain kind of music. That I can't produce, mix or shouldn't be releasing music, I'm over it. The world is changing and people seek honesty, but really though why care about what people want, all I do know is you will be SO much happier if you are honest with yourself.

 For the first time in my life, I have started making music to make myself proud and you have no idea how good it feels. I don't want to be whatever someone wants me to be, I want to be myself. There is so much power in that. 

 Also, you can literally teach yourself anything, Youtube and the internet are amazing places. Don't be afraid to ask questions and learn from people. also if you ever want someone to talk to reach out to me, I'm very responsive to DMs!

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 LUNA: You have a really beautiful + pretty curated aesthetic. Was this something you always had in mind or as you evolved you started to put more effort into? Is there anyone visually you look to for inspiration?

 XKYLAR: Wow - thank you! Its kinda funny cause the visuals have always come very natural to me, where the music took more time. I remember my friend telling me to make music that fits with the images I'm drawn to, which has helped everything come together. I am so inspired by all different kinds of music so can be all over the place, but visually I know exactly what I like and don't. I love nature and manipulating textures. I just think about what makes me happy and try to incorporate it into my aesthetic.

Also, Pinterest and Photoshop are my two favorite pastimes. I took up photoshop in college to distract myself from studying Ochem in the library and I just have fun with it! I'm glad it comes across nicely. 

​I don't seek too much specific inspiration I mostly just Pinterest, but Clare Gillen is an incredible creative director and every time I see her work I am blown away and must create immediately. 

 LUNA: Do you have any noteworthy New Year's Resolutions? 

XKYLAR: actually made a whole list, that is my screensaver. I want to be more fearless and honest. Stop focusing on what other people think of me, realizing I can't make everyone happy but the one person who's happiness I can control is my own. What makes me happy is sharing music and my growth with others and so I'm gonna keep doing that. This EP is a cool start to the year, and it's just the beginning.

LUNA: Since you've just put out an EP, what's next for you? 

I write a lot of music, like a little bit overwhelming at times. If you follow me on Instagram you'll see it on my stories haha. Basically, I want to continue releasing theme projects and finish a lot of songs I've been working on. I'm gonna be releasing something every month, whether its a song or short EP. I feel like this whole journey is about learning more about myself and I'm just tryna focus on that and getting better.  Looking to go on tour in late spring and maybe by next year I'll understand myself enough to make an album. I'm very fluid with the art I create, I cannot plan ahead for the life of me, but definitely expect A L O T more art. < 3